contributed by Kay Goodnow
We are the ones we have been waiting for. — Oraibi, Arizona, Hopi Nation
All of the premises of Christianity are based on the teachings of one man. That man was a rebel. He dared to question. He dared to defy authority. He dared to lead with his heart.
He redefined God. He defined church. His words were passed along from one to another of us, and they were eventually recorded. His message was loud and clear, but it was gentle.
He spoke of forgiving. He said that we must forgive each other, just as God has forgiven us. And in that forgiving, we must first forgive ourselves.
He spoke of loving one another. He said that we must love one another, just as God has loved us. And in that loving, we must first love ourselves.
He spoke of justice and equality, and of the magnitude of the life force that surrounds and inspires each of us, calling to us from the heights, as well as from the depths, of infinity. He spoke of spirit and knowledge and truth. And he said that we must first find, and then nurture, our truth.
His words changed the world that he knew, and they are still changing this world, as we know it. And in that changing, we must first change ourselves.
He was a messenger, and he was a channel. He was the epitome of an example. He ordered no one. He made simple suggestions. He shared what he knew as truth with everyone. He did not discriminate and he did not condemn. Those who found his truth to be right for them followed him. Those who did not, he let be.
He knew that the human condition is what it is: reality; imperfect, weak and frail. He knew that God is in each of us. And he sent us out, into the world, to tell his story and to carry his message. He knew that it would be an imperfect journey.
He said simply "Follow me!" And he set the examples of truth, spirit and knowledge. He was, to a degree, introspective and contemplative. He listened for, and he heard God. That was all that he needed to do. He was a healer, instilling in others the courage to be themselves.
Two thousand years later he is still with us. He is still forgiving, still loving, and still changing. He gently reminds us to listen for God, and to hear Him. As he said then, "My Father is with you always!" He is and always has been all that we will ever need.
And we are still what we are, as our imperfect journey continues.
And his church? What charge did he give to his church?
Did he say, "Go now, in my name, and gather all the riches of the world?"
Did he say, "Build large edifices to my glory, and fill them with treasures?"
Did he say, "Exclude those who do not fit by definition?"
Did he say, "Become powerful, and rule in my name?"
Did he say, "Go and abuse those who trust in you and in my name?"
Did he say, "Wage war in my name, maim and kill those who do not comply?"
Did he say, "Avenge my death?"
Did he say, "Worship me?"
NO, he did not. Sometimes, God cries.
He knew it would be an imperfect journey. In that journey, I rest my case.